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Old 06-06-18, 08:41 AM
flyinghorse1 flyinghorse1 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 40

Thanks for responses. I have an enquiry in with bcl and they are sending me photos for me to compare.( differencs as you say geoff). I have the workshop manual in pdf amd have a twin pawl flyoff h brake. Yet to see what return spring type i have.

There seems to be a very long run of conduit ( solid outer core) to the rear of the car then a flexible sheath between chassis and axle then the attchment to the rod pivot.

I may have caused this failure ( though cable was frayed) on reassembly ( fitting overdrive) as on the cable rod that comes into car at g box tunnel and threads thru a shaped pin in the hand brake ,theres a very small hex on the rod for a spanner presumably to stop it rotating when screwing on the larger hex bolt .
More something for others to remember. However the rod has a flat profile on it as does the pin so it should not have rotated any how.

I have used cable tec before to make up new ac mkiv hand brake cables so as well as buying new from bcl i will attempt refurb if possible as back up.
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