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Old 19-11-18, 05:39 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468

Thanks for advice advice it sounds as though these would do the job well the other advantage is being slightly shorter than the airchamber they will be easier to fit in the available space. I have now found someone to do the roof which will cut out that condensation problem but I have decided that one form of airchamber really is still needed to combat the damp in the air.
I had some of Hamiltons outside covers some years back and they lasted quite well considering the cats thought the one covering the 401 was good for exercising the claws.
The other advantage I can see for the Cair O Port is the size I will be going for is slightly wider so will be easier to get the cars in and out,
Thanks again,
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