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Old 07-01-19, 04:54 PM
Geoff Kingston Geoff Kingston is offline
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468

The AM Classics hub caps are in my view quite reasonable quality in that the chrome finish is good as is the fit at least on the ones I have seen and bought.
I don't know if the chrome is tri plate and it would be worth asking the seller as this can quite important if you use the car in the winter especially on salty roads. The downside is that they are steel, the originals were brass and the material is also thinner. The supplier has two styles of cap one to take the original style of badge and one to take the later flat type. I have also bought 411 hubcaps from them which again look good and fit well and in all cases original badges have fitted these caps perfectly.
The position and size of the lugs on some of the reproduction badges available in the past has varied a bit.
If Brian May can't help I know that Boda have recently sourced all the reproduction badges for the early cars, inc the red ones for the 403, you would have to be a club member to purchase though.
Bristol cars were also able to supply me about 12 Months ago the later flat badges, these are about the same size as the originals, have the same colour background but only the Bristol name on them, not 2 Litre as well.
They were more expensive than the Boda badges but I wanted them for the wheel caps on my 603.
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