400 oil leak
Most 6 cylinder Brisol engines leak oil around the spark plug area and it
then runs down the left hand side of the engine .
I believe it is usually caused by the cross tubes leaking (they are just a
press fit into the head and relatively loose. ) .
Some tubes are damaged by previous" so called experts " using the wrong
spanners to remove and refit the head , and might need replacing .
It is also possible that the head castings are porous .
To help cure these problems ,here in Australia , we have the head sealed
with a clear Loctite solution in a refrigerated vacuum chamber by the
importers of Loctite.
It sucks any air out of the casting and replaces it with the sealing
solution, it sets when the head comes up to air temperature.
Make sure all the welding & machining has been carried out on the head
before this process is done as I'm told it is difficult to weld porous heads
after this treatment.
Then I use another Loctite solution around the cross tubes for extra
protection , but it is probably not necessary .
With all the above there is still no guarantee of a perfectly dry head but
it certainly makes a big difference.
Good luck
Geoff Dowdle