Dashboard top rail
The top rail of the dashboard is ingeniously held in place solely by the ashtray housings at each end, which I trust you still have. Take care to ensure that there is sufficient thin foam under the vinyl padding where the latter fits under the rail to make all it look properly fitted.
Be aware that the screen demister vents will function extremely effectively if they project into the rail and end roughly level with its top, much less so if they end below it. They can be adjusted up but you have to lie on your back underneath the dashboard armed (my memory tells me) with a long screwdriver and a 2BA Spanner to do so. A spare arm would also help but there isn't room for one. You need to do this after you fit the toprail as it won't go in or come out (with the windscreen in place) if they are in the correct position.
You might need to fit the screen before you fit the top rail, but my experience doesn't actually stretch that far.