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Old 24-05-19, 12:30 PM
John Rolfs John Rolfs is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 17
Default driveline clunk

The clunk is probably the cross pin for the differential which sits in the cast iron crown wheel carrier, rather than excessive play between the teeth of the crown wheel and the pinion gear. The holes in the cast iron diff carrier wear oval. I rebuilt my axle after losing a crown wheel tooth but did not fix this and so still have this clunk. It does not mean any impending failure.

If you take the axle apart, you can have phosphor bronze inserts made to match the steel diff pin and drill out out the worn oval holes in the casting to fit them.

Other things to check. Your prop shaft universal joints rotate OK when the rear end is lifted. If you drain the axle oil make sure there are no bright flecks of metal to indicate bearing or tooth failure.
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