Originally Posted by TLF799R
Maybe it's a generation thing?
I'm so used to having to use a username all over the web that I never even think about it.
Philippa, I can guarantee it is NOT a generation thing.
Originally Posted by Hydroglen
Well maybe it is.....then again I get annoyed with another club I belong to who publish a Roster on a yearly basis. The Roster has the persons name and address plus a list of his cars. Yet many of the members chat on a club forum hiding behind a pseudonym.
I don't know who it is that is posting and like Geoff I tend to ignore those
posts who use aliases.
On one like this were we have to log on and use a password ( known only to you and your dog and cat ) I suppose the secrecy carries on to the signature.
Not quite sure what you mean by your last comment Dorien.
As for the things that annoy you about your club - forums are often open to anyone who wants to join, as this one is. Whereas a club member list has a closed circulation. Maybe that's the reason people use pseudonyms.
Originally Posted by Geoff Dowdle
Kevin ,
Maybe I'm of the old school but why should I help someone on this forum by taking time replying to a thread (my typing is a very very slow one fingered affair) when he or she is not even willing to divulge their real name.
To provide information for the wider Bristol community?
To guide people in the right way to service or repair their Bristol?
Originally Posted by seanmcs
Not a new idea; tried that with the webmaster and that's how he wants it. What do others think?
Sean, not sure what you mean by this.
My preference is that people use their real name as their registered username on this forum, but it's not something I can enforce, even if I wanted to.
Personally I believe participation and contribution are more important than identity. Good advice doesn't become less valuable because it comes from someone using a pseudonym.
Besides, as I have said before, a pseudonym can be a real name, and when you are dealing with people you have never met you wouldn't know any different!