Forums and pseudonyms
Dear Kevin,
After I read your posting I went onto the Internet and found someone in
Liege in Belgium claiming to own 4 Arnolts and one for sale. Not cheap
either at EUR 225,000! (
Is this the same person who is not paying your bills?
I live about 30 miles from Liege and speak reasonable French so let me know
if I can help.
Whilst at it, I checked out my own company name on the Internet, and got
back to a posting of mine on the Bristol forum, with e-mail address, so on
the subject of psuedonims, I think a good reason not to mention your real
Especially the club someone mentioned where all their cars are listed sounds
frightening and a perfect invitation to thieves!
I can be reached on, which will now be in the public
domein but I'll risk it just this once as I don't use it for business
purposes and can delete the address immediately if needed. You really can't
be too careful!
A member of my local Lions Club, specialized in Internet security and fraud,
ticked off our club Treasurer recently for even mentioning our club bank
balance (just the balence, no account number) and only circulated amongst
our own members!
Andrew (no surname for obvious reasons) Smith.