I'm away from home at present but will endeavour to copy the relevant bit of the wiring diagram to you on Tuesday, if nobody else obliges first. In the meantime be aware that it is essential for the sake of any alternator that the main connection between it and the battery is absolutely A1. If it is less than excellent the alternator and its control, whether that is separate or built into it, attempt to compensate by raising the output voltage, but this can get out of hand causing the insulation on the alternator windings to fail, which wrecks the alternator and then, in its turn, the controller.
One possible weak point in this circuit between alternator and battery is the ammeter, the connections through which have to be tight. There are other connections between the two in the battery bay
The original alternator has only one field wire connection, the wiring diagram will not help with two, but perhaps one (which?) should be earthed.