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Aleph 30-01-09 12:15 PM

Newbee question on "older posts"
I was very excited when I found these forums and started to read eagerly. However, in a lot of threads, the first one I can read is not the first post of the thread. E.g. I look at the thread and -despite being on page 1- the first post I see might be numbered #5 or even #12. This is a bit of a pitty, as one can't get the context of the thread.

Am I doing something wrong or is there an option to go to the beginning of the thread I missed? If not, is there a thread archive somewhere?

Thanks in advance for answering

devadmin 30-01-09 12:38 PM

Welcome Aleph.

Shortly after the site was first launched some posts were moved because they were posted in the wrong forum, particularly as many people moved from a simple mail list and were not accustomed to the multi-forum layout. In one or two cases new threads were created by moving posts on the same topic from one or more other threads. However this should only affect a handful of threads.

Could you please specify the threads in which you are seeing this problem and I will look into it.


Aleph 01-02-09 07:21 PM

Thanks Kevin!
This is 4 of them...
Kind regards,

Kevin H 02-02-09 12:42 AM

Bas, I can't see anything wrong with these threads. I have tried logging in as myself and as a test user (a default registered member) and the threads all appear in reverse chronological order (newest first), which is the site default.

What browser type and version are you using?

Kevin H 02-02-09 12:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Just thought of something!

Bas, what do you have "Display Modes" set to? (see attached screen shot)

It should be on "Linear Mode"


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