14-10-12, 09:59 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,170
Originally Posted by Nick Challacombe
The key fob which came with my 1962 407 is a very small circular Bristol logo on a leather backing. Colour of the medallion is silver and just about a thumb nail in size. I cannot post a 'photo at the moment as I an in our house in Spain.
Mercifully unencumbered by Spanish property, I am able to photograph my key fobs, which I suspect are the ones Nick describes. In the attached picture the two on the left are what came with my 411 S5 and the one on the right I had made in China*.
I think they suit the car - very understated!
I have only just realised that the two period key fobs are different, so they may not have come with the car. At least not both of them. Did these key fobs normally come with a 411 of did they pre date it?
Originally Posted by GREG
To answer your question !! It's very rare ..
Greg, I am curious to know, what does "very rare" mean?
and what led you to the conclusion that it is "very rare"?
*Just kidding, I bought it from Bristol Car Services in the late 1990s. (If I was going to get any made in China I would make sure it said "2 Litre"!)