08-01-25, 02:21 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 118
Terrific news!!
At long last after years of negotiation , false starts, and legal complexities re IP, on Monday the Bristol Owners Heritage Trust bought the entire Archives of Bristol Cars Ltd; 12 A0 planchests of blueprints, 15 filing cabinets of correspondence dating back to the mid-1940s. Plus sundry miscellaneous automobilia.
When we have recovered from the shock of the enormity of this project (there are 21 m² of floor space to store ,repack ,index ,and deposit in the city of Bristol Archives) we will start with careful project planning and quantifying the huge task ahead..
Thank you to BODA for supporting us with Levy on your annual subscriptions and for many generous individual donors. I think this is what Heritage Trust was formed to do and we shall not rest until we’ve got all this sorted out and accessible in secure premises for all to see , in line with the Heritage Trust charitable deed.
Yours in Bristol