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Kevin H 12-10-09 01:40 AM

Bristol Cars Services ?
I was in London recently and driving out on the A4 I think I saw a "To Let" sign on the Bristol Cars Services premises in Chiswick which I have visited on previous trips to buy parts.

Have Brian and his team moved?

mrbennetts 12-10-09 09:14 AM

"To Let" sign..........
Hallo Kevin, I am pretty sure the "To Let" sign is NOT for Bristol Cars, but for the rest of the building. I seem to remember having a double-take on that sign some months ago. I hope I am correct. However, I wish they would do something about the real signage for the Service seems to be just photocopies of letters on A3 paper, done several years ago. Not wonderful marketing, or image, I suggest.

Kevin H 12-10-09 10:44 AM

Ah well, the traffic was very heavy although moving well so I didn't get a good look. So I wonder how many thousands of other people get the same impression every day?

Maybe BCS should have a word with the letting agent about changing/moving that sign so it doesn't appear that "Bristol have left the building" :)

geo 12-10-09 02:38 PM

An English cuppa

Originally Posted by Kevin Howard (Post 1821)
I was in London recently and driving out on the A4

You should have dropped in for a cuppa — when I am doon sooth, I am five minutes along this road! No Bristol to view until I sell the Bentley R-Type, I am afraid.

I know what you mean about the sign, but judging by the couple of Bristols one sees in the lay-by, they are still there.

dave dale 12-10-09 06:57 PM

Bristol Car Services
No, they haven't moved. I was there last Friday. However, I believe that the lease expires early next year and Bristol Motors are looking at larger premises. The fact is that BCS are extremely busy and have outgrown the present premises. When I called in last week there were cars on top of cars in the workshop. All this in a time of a deep UK recession ( despite assertions to the contrary by our unelected Prime Minister ) and all with refreshingly non - ecofriendly cars ! It can only be good news for the future of Bristol Cars Ltd. and good luck to them all.
Dave Dale.

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