26-03-11, 02:59 PM
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 88
Tony Crook in Octane Magazine
Just read an interview in the latest edition with TC himself. He looks very well for 91. Not a great deal of info that is new unfortunately, although he does speak about the BCL closure with obvious regret - he mentions that he sold 50% in 1997 to Silverton's contingent for much less than others were offering and the remaining shares in 2001. He doesn't say how he was pushed, but mentions 'a lot of trauma'. There's a few lines on the closure - the main reason he gives for the failure was the Fighter development taking all the resources. He also says that, if the company is bought, 'none of the present directors have anything to do with it'.
Now we need Toby Silverton's side of the story......