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Stefan 28-04-16 03:16 PM

Arnolt Bristol talk at Brooklands Saturday May 7th
Dear all,

Just a reminder that the BOC Heritage Trust is holding its annual lecture day at Brooklands circuit next Saturday, May 7.
Kenneth Andrén is speaking on the Arnold Bristol story. We also have
Sir Gerry Acher on the history of Brooklands, both Motor racing and aeronautical; and John Ure with, in and about the ex Tony Crook Cooper-Bristol 1 1/2 seater, now owned by Peter Mann.

This promises to be an eventful afternoon: please contact Stefan Cembrowicz or Andrew Stevens for more details - 0117 9731883 or 0208 673 6565
We are raising funds to prepare a deconstructed 403 for the Bristol Aerospace Centre, opening next spring.

Stefan 05-05-16 07:24 AM

Free entry to Brooklands this saturday!
Dear All,

We are looking forward to seeing you on Saturday.

Brooklands have agreed that there should be no charge for entry to the museum site and that all supporters' cars should enter by the Campbell Gate.
Do come!

all the best

Andrew Stevens and Stefan Cembrowicz.

All times are GMT. The time now is 01:09 AM.

This is the live site

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