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Forums and pseudonyms

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 13-04-09, 08:50 AM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 416
Default Forums and pseudonyms

this Forum is such a small group we should at least know the real names of
the people we are corresponding with ,
not some fictitious identity,
Geoff Dowdle
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 13-04-09, 09:07 AM
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Default 400 oil leak

I agree!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 13-04-09, 09:44 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Melbourne, Australia
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Geoff and Ashley, there was a time when I agreed with you, in fact I started a discussion on the topic about 10 years ago on the old BOC Email Forum focusing on Bellerophon.

But I have since realised that in global internet based forums you could be dealing with anyone.

If Bellerophon registered as John Smith you wouldn't have said anything, but you would be none the wiser. However I think the real John Smith uses something else as his registered username, so that could get very confusing (not picking on you John!).

I've also had this discussion more recently with seanmcs. But then many members won't know who seanmcs is.

Do you see my point?

This dawned on me many years ago when the BOC published in the printed BOC Bulletin, posts I myself had written in the BOC Email Forum under what I thought was a rather obvious pseudonym.

Edit: It is advisable NOT to display your email address on public forums. 'Bots' scour the internet looking for email addresses to add to spammers mail lists.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 13-04-09, 11:18 AM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 32
Default 400 oil leak

Not a new idea; tried that with the webmaster and that's how he
wants it. What do others think?

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 13-04-09, 09:38 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 416
Default 400 oil leak

Kevin ,
its up to the individual whether they uses their real name or not .

But my personal perspective is that Bristol Cars and the Bristol Owners Club
of Australia have been a large part of my life for the past 36 years
and have met many good friends around the world through them . Over those
years I have accumulated a large amount of information and experiences about
Bristols & Bristol engined cars.
I'm always very happy to freely pass this information on to owners as
needed , have a look at Ashley's website for a few
Maybe I'm of the old school but why should I help someone on this forum by
taking time replying to a thread (my typing is a very very slow one fingered
when he or she is not even willing to divulge their real name.
Alan this is not a dig at you but the use of a pseudonym , but if you had
started the thread on the oil leak and was having problems I probably would
not have bothered replying.
From memory Dorien (who uses "Hydrogen") but signs "Dorien" started the
thread , he and I have corresponded in the past, through Ashley's website
,about a few technical issues with his 400 which I hope he has solved .

Enough for now
Geoff Dowdle
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 14-04-09, 06:50 PM
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Default 400 oil leak

Maybe it's a generation thing?
I'm so used to having to use a username all over the web that I never even
think about it.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 14-04-09, 08:00 PM
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Default 400 oil leak

Well maybe it is.....then again I get annoyed with another club I belong
to who publish a Roster on a yearly basis. The Roster has the persons
name and address plus a list of his cars. Yet many of the members chat on
a club forum hiding behind a pesudonym.
I don't know who it is that is posting and like Geoff I tend to ignore those
posts who use aliases.
On one like this were we have to log on and use a password ( known only to
you and your dog and cat ) I suppose the secrecy carries on to the
But then I suspect I am in a similair generation as Geoff is. Oh to be young
as you Philippa!!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 15-04-09, 09:52 AM
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Posts: 220

Originally Posted by Hydroglen View Post
Well maybe it is.....then again I get annoyed with another club I belong to who publish a Roster on a yearly basis. The Roster has the persons name and address plus a list of his cars. Yet many of the members chat on a club forum hiding behind a pesudonym.
I don't know who it is that is posting and like Geoff I tend to ignore those
posts who use aliases.
On one like this were we have to log on and use a password ( known only to
you and your dog and cat ) I suppose the secrecy carries on to the
But then I suspect I am in a similair generation as Geoff is. Oh to be young
as you Philippa!!
What is it that the club does that annoys you?

They have no control over internet IDs.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 15-04-09, 12:31 PM
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Default Forums and pseudonyms

This is thread is for the continuation of a side discussion started in the 6cyl Bristol forum about the identity of discussion forum contributors. The posts below have been moved from the thread about Bristol 400 oil leaks.

Last edited by Kevin H; 15-04-09 at 01:08 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 15-04-09, 01:07 PM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,170

Originally Posted by TLF799R View Post
Maybe it's a generation thing?
I'm so used to having to use a username all over the web that I never even think about it.

Philippa, I can guarantee it is NOT a generation thing.

Originally Posted by Hydroglen View Post
Well maybe it is.....then again I get annoyed with another club I belong to who publish a Roster on a yearly basis. The Roster has the persons name and address plus a list of his cars. Yet many of the members chat on a club forum hiding behind a pseudonym.
I don't know who it is that is posting and like Geoff I tend to ignore those
posts who use aliases.

On one like this were we have to log on and use a password ( known only to you and your dog and cat ) I suppose the secrecy carries on to the signature.
Not quite sure what you mean by your last comment Dorien.

As for the things that annoy you about your club - forums are often open to anyone who wants to join, as this one is. Whereas a club member list has a closed circulation. Maybe that's the reason people use pseudonyms.

Originally Posted by Geoff Dowdle View Post
Kevin ,
Maybe I'm of the old school but why should I help someone on this forum by taking time replying to a thread (my typing is a very very slow one fingered affair) when he or she is not even willing to divulge their real name.
To provide information for the wider Bristol community?
To guide people in the right way to service or repair their Bristol?

Originally Posted by seanmcs View Post
Not a new idea; tried that with the webmaster and that's how he wants it. What do others think?

Sean, not sure what you mean by this.

My preference is that people use their real name as their registered username on this forum, but it's not something I can enforce, even if I wanted to.

Personally I believe participation and contribution are more important than identity. Good advice doesn't become less valuable because it comes from someone using a pseudonym.

Besides, as I have said before, a pseudonym can be a real name, and when you are dealing with people you have never met you wouldn't know any different!
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 15-04-09, 02:30 PM
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Default Forums and pseudonyms

Kevin, you say...... Maybe that's the reason people use pseudonyms.

My example of another club, was, that given they publish a Roster and
their chat page is ONLY for club members who are already listed in the
Roster and nobody else, why hide behind an alias?
Since many do, I assume it is just a habit from when they post on more
public sites.
Since one creates a user name for public sites and we use that same name /
password on this one it follows that some will sign off with that same user
name. I happen to sign off with my real name. Just as well..... or Geoff
would not talk to me lol.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 15-04-09, 03:20 PM
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 43
Default Forums and pseudonyms

From my point of view, if somebody asks a question, whatever the name or
pseudonyms then you do the polite thing and answer them. I couldn't care
less if somebody uses their real name or a pseudonym, just give a polite
answer to a polite question.

What is this fetish for name snobbery? My username is jervaulx and most
forums today require a pseudonym rather than you're name, but i just happen
to sign comments with my name instead of the pseudonym. This of course is
my choice, but i would be shocked if anybody ignored a question i put just
because they didn't like a pseudonym being used. Sounds ignorant and
childish to me.

Remember, they are just asking a question about Bristol cars and not asking
for you're credit card details.

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 15-04-09, 03:20 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: S. Hamilton, Ma. U.S.A.
Posts: 23
Default Forums and pseudonyms

I think there is little ability to convert anyone from using a pseudonym
or to adopt one. It is little reflection on someone's actual character.
Having sold several Arnolt parts made from "unobtanium" and not being
paid for the parts, knowing the person's name doesn't really matter. I
know his name and place of business. I am in the US, he is in Belgium
and I am not being paid. This issue has been flogged enough, let's get
back to "fettling' our cars. Kevin
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 15-04-09, 04:45 PM
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Default Forums and pseudonyms

On the vast majority of
Forums people do use pseudonyms and often hide behind them to say
things that they probably wouldn't if their proper name and location
were known. This isn't happening here and I can't imagine that it
will, so what's the objection to us all using ours.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 16-04-09, 05:40 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Forums and pseudonyms

Dear Kevin,
After I read your posting I went onto the Internet and found someone in
Liege in Belgium claiming to own 4 Arnolts and one for sale. Not cheap
either at EUR 225,000! (
Is this the same person who is not paying your bills?
I live about 30 miles from Liege and speak reasonable French so let me know
if I can help.
Whilst at it, I checked out my own company name on the Internet, and got
back to a posting of mine on the Bristol forum, with e-mail address, so on
the subject of psuedonims, I think a good reason not to mention your real
Especially the club someone mentioned where all their cars are listed sounds
frightening and a perfect invitation to thieves!
I can be reached on, which will now be in the public
domein but I'll risk it just this once as I don't use it for business
purposes and can delete the address immediately if needed. You really can't
be too careful!
A member of my local Lions Club, specialized in Internet security and fraud,
ticked off our club Treasurer recently for even mentioning our club bank
balance (just the balence, no account number) and only circulated amongst
our own members!
Andrew (no surname for obvious reasons) Smith.
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