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Importing parts - VAT, GST and duty

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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-09, 02:11 PM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,170

You're right Dorien, I am a "busy lad", so forgive me if I don't respond to every aspect of your post, I am sure our discussion is becoming tedious for others.

I will just respond to one part where you say;
"This "1928 to 1958" is something you have come up with. No idea were you are going with that one.

I said: "What reason is there to tax a part differently for a
1928 car to a 1958 car?"

The dates were random to some extent, but 1928 date does fall into the period which the British classify as "Vintage" where cars are concerned.

1958 is just some random date at which a car is still old, but not Vintage, in the eyes of the British that is. My point being, why treat cars from these years differently for taxation purposes?

I now see that your law doesn't.

The British view the Vintage car period as 1919-1930.

As a parting suggestion, if you have so much influence over Canadian law, why not simply do what we do here in Australia and make any personal import less that $1000 in value duty/GST free. Then it wouldn't matter what those annoying British vendors put on their paperwork!

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-09, 03:20 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: CANADA
Posts: 131
Default Importing parts - VAT, GST and duty

I already stated that it can be free or up to 5%. The "free" is based on
personal exemptions when out of the country and returning. We obtain a form
re "goods to follow later". It is not hobby related and can be of course.
I can't take credit for that one, as it was not hobby related.
Not as generous as your $1,000 but we get close, assuming that you mean
Australian $. Even if we do have to pay 5% it is not an unreasonable amount
3 years ago I had a 1924 Motobecane ( light motorcycle) shipped from Germany
in 5 boxes. They arrived over a 5 week period although shipped the same day.
They all came in free!
Well we won't have to worry about pesky UK vendors as, A we try to minimize
/ eliminate our purchases there and B we now have Ash who will help out.
If I interpret your law correctly, it would seem that as long as you keep
under the $1,000 radar you could import a Bristol in parts all declared
under a $1,000. Maybe I misunderstood, but in any case all countries have
different guidelines. The idea is to follow those laws / guidelines and not
impose your will or laws on a free nation.

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 26-05-10, 08:54 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 2
Default Repatriate 409 from USA to UK

Apologies if I'm using the wrong part of the forum to launch my query. I very much wish to repatriate my car to the UK from the USA, where I presently reside. I could use some advise on how to go about it, and/or guidance as to the appropriate part of the forum in which to broach the subject.
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