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p5b401 05-01-15 11:06 PM

401 Is Heather grey a Bristol colour?
Into the lets choose a colour stage of my 401 restoration.
The previous owner went part way to bodywork and got the front dash painted in what he called 'Heather Grey' which he said was the original colour of the car.
The panel is however a mid to dark green.
Does this sound correct?

Sam410 06-01-15 11:14 AM

Possibly. I've heard it said that Bristol don't make green cars, as their light green is called Cambridge grey.

Geoff Kingston 06-01-15 06:40 PM

I think you are right as far as the Cambridge Grey is concerned, I have been told recently that a 401 I have was originally Cambridge Grey and underneath all the other colours and on the bulkhead top where the later yellow is flaking off is the light green, not unlike the similar Aston Martin Colour.
It would be nice if someone with cars in both of these Grey's (Greens) could post some pictures on the forum to confirm what they looked like originally.

Have discovered that the Cambridge Grey is close to one of the early 90's Range Rover colours which would look good on a 401.

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