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philippe 22-03-22 10:16 AM

401 for sale for restoration
3 Attachment(s)
I am selling a complete 401 rhd n°1225, original mechanics but the engine block has cracks to be repaired. correct body and chassis. the interior elements are all present (seats, counters, etc.) except for a wooden dashboard panel. everything will have to be renovated. the car is located in France (Normandy).
reasonable price, make offer

Philippe +33 769063414

philippe 26-03-22 03:29 PM

suite announcement sale 401 to restore
I restarted the engine after 12 years of shutdown: quarter turn start and oil pressure ok. Bristol is really a great mechanic

Calibrator 01-05-22 09:00 PM

Help and advise needed.
Happy to say that after making the trip to France my partner Ana and I have bought this car. I now need to arrange transportation and also customs issues both in France for the export, and in the UK for the import of the car. It was built in 1953, and went to France in 1958 where it has been since. Can any members advise on the customs requirements on both sides of the channel? I have looked myself at HMRC and French Douane websites, but it all seems as clear as treacle. Any words of wisdom appreciated.

Geoff Dowdle 02-05-22 11:27 AM

Calibrator ,
Looking at the BCL Register in the excellent book "the Bristol Aeroplane Company , Car Division " page 372 .
It states that chassis 401/1225 , engine number 85C/2230 was despatched to Chardonnet/France (the Bristol agent) on 30th March 1953 .It was Cambridge Grey and RHD.
I can only assume it has been in France since 1953.

It is good that you have bought this car and hopefully it will be back on the road within a few years


Calibrator 02-05-22 03:17 PM

Thank you Geoff. I’d assumed it had gone to France in 1958.

Calibrator 12-06-22 08:46 AM

A stitch in time…..
Now have this lovely 401 back home, and I am delighted. Much work to do, however the engine runs nicely with good oil pressure. Alas the block needs a crack stitching. Has any member of the forum had this work done, and can you commend a firm to do the job, preferably in the north of England?

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