Forum: Bristol News & Other Bristol Discussion
19-12-08, 11:55 AM
Replies: 55
Views: 24,010
There is a market for a four-seater Bristol as...
There is a market for a four-seater Bristol as long as it is based on the existing chassis and drivetrain of the Blenheim and keeping technical investment to a minimimum by profiting of Low Type...
Forum: Bristol News & Other Bristol Discussion
15-12-08, 07:04 PM
Replies: 55
Views: 24,010
Forum: Bristol News & Other Bristol Discussion
10-12-08, 06:31 PM
Replies: 55
Views: 24,010
Forum: Bristol News & Other Bristol Discussion
29-10-08, 04:19 PM
Replies: 55
Views: 24,010
Dear all,
thank you for the clinic test. At...
Dear all,
thank you for the clinic test. At least it seems this is the most animated thread on so far!
I obvioulsy accept all criticism and can agree with some but please...
Forum: Bristol News & Other Bristol Discussion
23-10-08, 05:40 PM
Replies: 55
Views: 24,010
Dear All,
I had the pleasure of visiting the Bristol Kensington showroom in November 2003 having a long conversation with Mr. Tony Crook who introduced me to the philosophy behind Bristol Cars,...