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zbigmak 29-04-13 05:26 PM

Wanted 401 parts
I am in the process of restoring a 1952 Bristol 401

I purchased the car without any NSF front brake shoes and wheel cylinders. Can anyone suggest were I may find a new or second hand set set. All I have is the brake drum and back plate. Or does anyone know if these parts were fitted to any other cars?

The car also did not come with the original engine so if anyone knows where one might be able to find an original 2 litre engine?

405dh 20-05-13 09:23 AM

401 parts
Past Parts at Bury St Edmunds should be able to help with the brake bits.
Do you have a 401 Handbook? I have one available if of interest.

zbigmak 25-05-13 04:57 PM

Chris many thanks. Unfortunately Past Parts only recondition and do not have for sale new parts. How much would you want for the handbook?

405dh 27-05-13 04:22 PM

401 parts
Hi George, surprised to see my reply yesterday not posted and my direct email didn't send either, so something amiss!
Anyway, trying again.

Try Brian May in Solihull for s/h parts. Handbook has page 1 @ 2 missing (was going to borrow and copy them but then bought a 400 instead). Does £45 + £2.50 p&p seem reasonable? A 400 one went for £200 on fleabay the other week.

01432 371775

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