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GREG 27-12-10 12:35 AM

Anyone have one ?
1 Attachment(s)
I would like one of these if anyone has a spare !

Nick Challacombe 27-12-10 05:26 PM

Hi Greg,

The Attachment is pending approval, what are you after, may I help do you think?

Kevin H 27-12-10 08:47 PM

I don't know why that attachment required approval but I will look into it. In the mean time, what is the car?

Nick Challacombe 28-12-10 04:34 PM

The attachment is now open, at first I thought it was a model but when I blew up the size it appears to be a car I do not recognise. The front grill is a bit Sidney Allard but it may be a one off. Just Post war?
I would like to know what it is, a Christmas Puzzle from Greg. Is it a 412 with a proper body? :-)

Jon McCarthy 28-12-10 05:21 PM

I think that its a Veritas, uses prewar BMW 328 engine, the forerunner of the Bristol 6 cylinder.

Lets see if anyone else has any suggestions.

May have been made in East Germany after the war or was that an EMW?? Not sure what engine they used but the racing versions were almost as fast as the 356 Porsches at that time.

GREG 28-12-10 05:31 PM

Very cold so far :-)

GREG 28-12-10 05:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Another view

GREG 28-12-10 07:37 PM

It's one of these....

1939 FIAT 1500 6-CYLINDER COMPRESSOR boat with hard top

Nick Challacombe 29-12-10 03:45 PM

Another "attachment pending approval"

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