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6 cyl Bristol cars Type 400 to 406 - restoration, repair, maintenance etc

6 cylinder engine needing a drive train ?

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 21-09-14, 12:44 AM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: York
Posts: 808
Default 6 cylinder engine needing a drive train ?

I recently purchased a 6 cylinder Bristol with an incorrect non original engine and I am putting the car back to standard with the correct Bristol drive train.

So if anyone has a car without an engine and gearbox, I have a 6 cylinder Triumph 2000 engine and gearbox with the prop shaft etc adapted to fit into a 6 cylinder Bristol to enable your car to be on the road again !

Please PM me with any offers or questions

I didn't get it running but the previous owner told me it ran okay and it turns freely.

It's always better to keep a car running and on the road no matter which engine is powering it !
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 28-09-14, 04:28 AM
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: South Lyon, Michigan & Palo Alto California
Posts: 9
Default Bristol needing a drivetrain -

I just purchased a rolling shell of a '56 Bristol 405, sans engine, gearbox, interior, dash, steering wheel, bootlid, front & rear windshields, also left side door glass frames (chrome metal) and probably many more items I haven't even seen yet as I haven't seen what I bought except thru a few photos. Seems that the car was scavenged for parts for other Bristols, but the ally body looks to be in decent shape, and I'm hoping the thin gauge steel chassis isn't a rotbucket. Will find out next week with a visit to it to see what is in the 'grab bag' and figure out how to haul it home when it looks like only the rear wheels are correct, while fronts are unknown.....
Would appreciate any leads for parts to ascertain if it's even possible to restore this car, and your triumph engine/gearbox sounds like a possibility - do you know if it would fit a 405? I realize shipping would be very costly, but I'd like to think the time saved vs sourcing the parts myself might make it worth it. What are you asking for it, and could you email me some photos? I can be reached directly at

Ken Nelson
Palo Alto California
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 28-09-14, 06:11 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: York
Posts: 808

It wouldn't be worth shipping and you would probably be better finding a Chevy V8 or similar

Let me know what's missing when you get it home.
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