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6 cyl Bristol cars Type 400 to 406 - restoration, repair, maintenance etc

Michelin X Tyres on the '400'

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-14, 09:58 AM
Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 25
Default Michelin X Tyres on the '400'

There has been some discussion on this subject via 'Yahoo Groups Forum' but as I can't quite follow who is soliciting an answer, I will offer my views for what they are worth as I made the change from 'Avon Tourist' earlier in 2014 and have enjoyed a car with transformed handling.

I fully accept that the 'Avons' were really quite old when I changed though there were acres of tread left but their age allowed the tread to delaminate on the rears hence the change to 'X's'. The improvement is very marked with an absence of tram lining and the softer sidewalls much enhance the ride; a quieter drive with better road holding.

I well remember my earlier car - owning days in the mid 60's when it was felt that the 'X' would break away with little warning on the rears in extreme cornering but with the benefit of 50 plus years of motoring, I no longer get my self into a situation that demands finding the point of break away!

I have no reservations about recommending them though I accept tyre choice is subjective and the very qualities I appreciate may well militate against 'X's' and some may prefer the firmer side walls of 'Taxi Radial' coupled with the lower cost.
'Chacun a son gout'

The only downside is that Michelin refuse to recommend a tyre pressure and it is a case of owner experimentation. Strange.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-12-14, 11:55 AM
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 22
Default Michelin X 5.50x16


I'm have used Michelin X 5.50x16 on my Arnolt since I finished the restoration in 2009. The car is ansolutely stable at any speed and has no tendency to wander. I have done more than 25.000 km so far with very little wear. Four wheel drifting is not a problem or a challenge.

The modern X tyres has little in common with the first generation X tyres apart from the pattern. There were actually two different patterns available in the period. The classic pattern as well as more traditional one.

The Michelin X tyres, both types, were optional equipment for the Arnolt Bristiol and even listed in the price lists from time to time.

Best regards
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