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Which carburetors on a 100d2

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 18-11-16, 04:51 PM
Join Date: Aug 2016
Posts: 10
Default Which carburetors on a 100d2

I have 3 Weber carbs on my 100D2 engine and I believe they should be Solex 32BI. Is there a lot of difference between the various types of Bristol engine carbs?

I can get a set of carbs 32BI and a stamp with LH54.It has a 26mm choke, 115 main jet, 200 air corrector jet and 45 pilot jet.

Do these match a 100D2 engine?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 18-11-16, 05:11 PM
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Long Beach,CA
Posts: 46

Here's what I wrote in my article: Racing Arnolt Bristols.

The BS1 Mk II engine in the Arnolt comes with Solex 32 BI carbs (no pumps). The first improvement was to flatten the throttle shafts to increase the area for more air flow. The car performed best with 140 main, 240 air correction and 60 idle jets. The venturis were 28 mm. One of the problems is the wear around the throttle shafts which causes poor idling but has little effect at speed. A similar carb is on the Volkswagen Beetle and that is a source for gaskets.

Note: The significant difference between the BS1 Mk II and the 100 D2 (Which I had one of) is the better crankshaft in the 100 D2.

Last edited by briwmw; 18-11-16 at 05:20 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 18-11-16, 08:01 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Bologna, Italy
Posts: 101


would you swap your 3 Webers with my 3 recently-overhauled Solex 32BI? I have them on my 403 but, being in Bologna, I'm sure that Webers will be better on my car and Solexes maybe better on yours ;-))))


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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 18-11-16, 08:02 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 416

The carbs you are interested in buying were probably from a Bristol 405 .
LH54 means "London October 1954". The Jetting is standard 405 spec

100D2 carbs are B32 PBI-6 similar to above but have Accelerator pumps fitted .
Their Jetting standard is
Choke/Venturi 28mm
Mains 125
Air Corr 190
Pilot 55
Air Bleed 1.0
Pump 8.5

I found with the pump jets it always ran very rich during acceleration.
I blocked the pump jets and increased the mains .
After a few sessions with a mobile gas analyser and some trial and error the mixtures were very good through the range .Touring at 70mph it would achieve up to 28.5 mpg and that's fitted in a relatively heavy 400.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-18, 10:50 AM
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 1

I saw your thread on the Solex 32 Bi carbs and wondered if I could buy them from you
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-18, 10:42 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 416

The Jaguar Mk1 and Mk2 2.4 litre cars have two Solex B32 PBI-5 fitted.

These are basically the same as the D2 B32 PBI-6 , except the accelerator pumps squirt directly down the throat through a small brass tube , whereas the B32 PBI-6 just pushes more fuel through main jet system.

Externally they look the same . I probably have a set available that would need rebuilding and rejetting to D2 spec.

Over the years I have found that the accelerator pumps just make the engines run way to rich on acceleration. I usually block the pump jet and increase the main jet to compensate.

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