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6 cyl Bristol cars Type 400 to 406 - restoration, repair, maintenance etc

401 bonnet mechanism

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 18-09-17, 10:58 AM
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Guildford Surrey
Posts: 48
Default 401 bonnet mechanism

Can anyone help me to understand how the bonnet locks operate on a 401/403 specifically the routing of the cables which operate the 4 catches themselves. I am in the process of assembling my car and unfortunately I am struggling to figure out how to route the cables. The drivers handbook says pull the knob out on the relevant side but when looking at the locks it would seem I have push the side of the lock to release the locks?

I am also looking for a petrol cap and the latch which unlocks the petrol cap cover and is activated by the push button in the rear arm rest. Does anyone one have spare?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 18-09-17, 02:28 PM
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 260

As far as I remember the bonnet lock is just like the door lock. The bonnet catch enters the lock, closes and locks it.
To open them there are two screw down blocks on the cable that release the spring when the cable is pulled and the lock jumps open.
I do remember that it is a very fiddly job getting both locks to open together and, of course, a latch that refuses to open is a real pita.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 19-09-17, 08:44 AM
Des Des is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 55

The bonnet release cables each follow a direct daisychain route through two catches, cable passes through the rear catch, that bit you push to release, then is secured against this with a drilled metal bar by grub screw, carrying on to reach the forward catch and secured again in the same way. If you're finding the catches need pushing forward rather than pulling rearward to release, maybe they've been swapped between sides.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 20-09-17, 08:58 PM
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Guildford Surrey
Posts: 48

Des I do believe that you are correct in so much that the locks were swapped over by the previous owner. No idea why?
I have now removed them all and cleaned them. One of the locks does not open properly so I now face the task of stripping it down and most probably I will have to make a new release spring.
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