17-08-16, 06:25 PM
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: UK
Posts: 2
Mystery Bristol and Liam Gallagher (Oasis lead singer)
Hi all
As a Bristol enthusiast and Oasis fan I wondered if anybody could shed some light on a Bristol owned by Oasis/Beady Eye lead singer Liam Gallagher.
I'd heard he was a Bristol owner but I can't find anything about him and his car other than a single random photograph of him standing behind his Bristol.
Pic attached.
I think it's a silver Bristol 603 but as the registration is partially covered by Liam I am unable to look up the model/engine type.
Any help to identify the model I would be most grateful. I will try and ask Liam himself via Twitter and try the Beady Eye website but I won't hold my breath for a reply as music not cars is the usual topic.
Kind regards,
Last edited by ckracer76; 18-08-16 at 02:45 AM.
Reason: Clarity sake