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8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars Type 407 onwards - restoration, repair, maintenance etc

Towing a Brigand / 603

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Old 20-06-20, 11:46 AM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 39
Default Towing a Brigand / 603

I know this is a question that shouldn't be asked, but... How do you tow a Brigand / 603? I don't see any attachment point at the front. One way is of course a towing truck with one of those things that lifts up the front wheels, but if using a flatbed truck you still need a winch to get it onto the flatbed, and in an emergency you might just have to be able to tow it a short distance with another normal car (as if your engine dies in the middle of an intersection - has happened to me).

This is assuming the engine doesn't run.

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