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8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars Type 407 onwards - restoration, repair, maintenance etc

410 Fuel Smells

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-21, 05:27 PM
Join Date: Jun 2021
Location: Mid Wales
Posts: 24
Default 410 Fuel Smells

Hi all
I am getting a strong smell of fuel both in the car and in the boot. I have unscrewed the storage compartments in the boot. There are only two fuel pipes behind this, the one coming from the tank to the fuel pump and the one going from the pump to the engine.
I have an SU fuel pump. I have unbolted this from where it is mounted under the rear wing, and checked it with the ignition on. No sign of any leaks. Running my hands over the hoses and the pump, all appears dry, yet very strong smell of fuel in the boot.
I have taken out the rear seat squabs and unbolted the metal plate to gain access to the tank. Again, there is no visible signs of any leaks.
Is there a breather pipe and where is this located? Have checked the drain hole in the filler recess and this is clear. Have checked the tightness of all visible jubilee clips.
Your advice urgently required please.
Thank you
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-21, 06:15 PM
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 86

Hi Andrew,
There is a breather pipe on top of the petrol tank which (on my 410) is copper and runs towards and underneath the 2” filler pipe; this copper pipe turns up behind inner roof lining in the area between the rear windscreen and the rear near side quarter light, before doubling back down and connecting to a rubber hose. The rubber hose enters the boot and runs along side a second hose which come from the filler recess. Both of these hoses are located on the boot side of the rear near side wheel arch; they are hidden behind an aluminium panel. To access the panel and the hoses, the carpet will have to be pulled back. Both hoses terminate on the underside of the floor pan, again to the rear of the wheel arch.
Also check the rubber diaphragm on the filler cap.
Hope this helps.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-21, 08:54 PM
Join Date: Jun 2021
Location: Mid Wales
Posts: 24

Hi Brian
Thanks for the most helpful info. I will have a look in the morning.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 30-10-21, 05:54 PM
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Vermont USA due to Covid
Posts: 12
Default 410 fuel smells

I have uploaded a few pics of the top of the tank of my 410 dating back a good few years to flickr. Apols I couldn't attach them here.

Have done more work since but this was as it came to me from the factory, so it's as close to an original reference as I have.

Mine also had fuel smells, traced to a leaking fuel sender. Turned out only 2 of the 6 screws had threads. Fixed a few other things (kink in the reserve feed pipe) while we had the tank out.
(scroll to the end)

Good luck with yours!
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