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8 & 10 cyl Bristol cars Type 407 onwards - restoration, repair, maintenance etc

411 Windscreen Trim

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 16-02-10, 11:42 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,170
Default 411 Windscreen Trim

The screens have obviously been out of my 411 at some stage, and whoever put them back didn't do a good job with the trim, in particular the in the centre where the trim pieces meet.

The worse spot is the top one at the front (see picture). One half of the trim has sort of sprung out. The clip was held in place with silicone rubber when I bought the car (and it was a bit of a bodge job at that). However, it seems that only the black rubber trim holds the metal trim in place, and the rubber is a bit hard now.

Does anyone know how these things are fitted?
Any special tools required?
Would I be best to remove the trim, bend it a bit and re fit (so it doesn't stand proud like it is at the moment) ?
Or should I just stick it back in place with silicone rubber ?

Attached Images
File Type: jpg windscreen-trim.jpg (58.0 KB, 25 views)

Last edited by Kevin H; 16-02-10 at 11:43 AM. Reason: forgot photo!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 16-02-10, 12:00 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 32
Default 411 Windscreen Trim


This looks similar to the 406 trim in rubber. First of all new rubber
is a good idea, but check where you buy it.

Also first of all is the need to carefully shape the chromed strip to
the car's contour. Workers tend to rip out the trim and bend it all
over the place. I watched our local guru Ralph Moore spend several
hours reshaping the chrome strips for the 406, so there would be no
tension when the edges were inserted in the rubber. It should not
require any glue to hold it in.

Best. Sean
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 16-02-10, 02:52 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: York
Posts: 808

Another idea is to throw a brick at the window and claim on insurance ! Not really, but I did accidentally break a screen while trying to fix a problem like yours.

I noticed that ACCS are selling a quite a few 411 screens on ebay at the moment including the rear heated ones.

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411, trim, windscreen

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