12-10-11, 09:14 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Orkney
Posts: 107
Originally Posted by Sam410
Have you tried taking it apart and fixing it? They are quite straightforward, if a little fiddly,
I had to do this on quite a few of these on my 412 and all worked well after doing this. I cleaned everything thoroughly and I used one of those fibreglass pencils where there had been some arcing between brass contacts. There is a similar problem on the window switches on the likes of Swedish cars from the 1970s and I have repaired quite a few of these and they always worked afterwards. I remember using a smear of electrical conductive grease on some switches.
Originally Posted by Sam410
just don't loose any of the bits inside.
Most have small springs and a ball bearing, so this is good advice. Take them apart carefully!