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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 31-07-08, 08:39 AM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 154
Default General Discussion (about this site)

I have noticed that the emailed version of the forum does not pick up html.
So the BOLD text shows up as asterisks as in *bold*. Best to view the
forum, or perhaps we need to change how emails are received?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 31-07-08, 09:33 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,170

Originally Posted by Claude View Post
I have noticed that the emailed version of the forum does not pick up html.
So the BOLD text shows up as asterisks as in *bold*. Best to view the
forum, or perhaps we need to change how emails are received?

I will look into it. I changed the email notification format to plain text yesterday while trying to establish why some emails had a bunch of html top and bottom. That's possibly the reason why. Bear in mind the email integration is an added convenience designed to help transition people from an old fashioned mail list to a relatively richly featured web based forum.

It would be preferable if everyone just used the web interface. But I would suggest it is a must when compiling complex posts.

We put together an FAQ item covering the email integration today, which will be published tomorrow once I am happy with the wording.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 31-07-08, 11:40 AM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 39
Default An Illustrated History (the new one!)

> Bear in mind the email integration is an added convenience
> designed to help transition people from an old fashioned mail
> list to a relatively richly featured web based forum.

I have to disagree with your description of mail as "old fashioned".
It's like saying "books are old-fashioned, we should all read
newspapers". Both web pages and email have their pros and cons.
The only real benefit of a web-based forum is the integration
of pictures and documents, but that is (in my opinion) better
done with a separate wiki site anyway.

With email, I can download all my email in one go, and then
read it off-line, while travelling (or waiting at the dentist).
It also automatically comes into my inbox, without me having
to remember to go check a web site.

I know from experience that the extra hassle of a web forum will
make me drop out of the forum eventually - the only discussion
groups I have been following for more than a year or two are

It would be preferable if everyone just used the web interface.
But I would suggest it is a must when compiling complex posts.

Unfortunately I disagree strongly. But I also realize that whoever
sets up a forum is the one to set the rules - as an user, all I can
do is vote with my feet.


(P.S. if you google me you see that I am no Internet luddite, But
my 30 years of using the net in it's different forms has given me
some pretty strong views of what works for me, and what doesn't)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 31-07-08, 01:47 PM
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 7

Originally Posted by julf View Post
> Bear in mind the email integration is an added convenience
> designed to help transition people from an old fashioned mail
> list to a relatively richly featured web based forum.

I have to disagree with your description of mail as "old fashioned".
It's like saying "books are old-fashioned, we should all read
newspapers". Both web pages and email have their pros and cons.
Quite right - I should have used the term "simple". My aim is to replace the BEEF mail list, which is about as simple as mail lists come.

Originally Posted by julf View Post
The only real benefit of a web-based forum is the integration
of pictures and documents, but that is (in my opinion) better
done with a separate wiki site anyway.
I can't agree with you there Julf. There are some forums I use a lot which don't allow documents or pictures but are an absolute mine of information - is an ideal example.

I don't know much about building wikis. I've looked at a few over recent years - Jot was looking very good before it was acquired by Google, but we're building several sites with vBulletin so it made sense to stick with it. I've had some mods developed which I can use on multiple sites.

To my mind the biggest benefits of a web based discussion forum over a mail list are (a) the permanency of the information, and (b) the fact that the discussion can be split into categories. Also, we have included a separate document repository - the Resources Section.

Originally Posted by julf View Post
I know from experience that the extra hassle of a web forum will
make me drop out of the forum eventually - the only discussion
groups I have been following for more than a year or two are
Each to his own. But at least the information will still be there if you need it later. I know from experience lots of people leave mail lists because they have no way of avoiding all the stuff they are not interested in. At least with this site people can subscribe to the forums they are interested in and ignore the rest.

Originally Posted by julf View Post
(P.S. if you google me you see that I am no Internet luddite, But
my 30 years of using the net in it's different forms has given me
some pretty strong views of what works for me, and what doesn't)
I don't think anyone said you were an "Internet Luddite" and I do value your feedback, despite the fact that I might not agree with you

Incidentally, I'm a great fan of email. I've even posted a couple of replies on here from my Blackberry while walking the dog in the park! I also run a business who's life blood is email - we sell employment advertising on targeted, opt-in mail lists!

However, what I'm attempting to do with this site is create something for Bristol enthusiasts which is better than what currently exists, and is not censored. Given that I am a businessman and not a coder I am fairly happy with the result so far.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 18-04-11, 06:36 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, UK
Posts: 280
Default E Mail reply

My apologies, I am on holiday in Spain at the moment and have been using a lap top with a dongle ( at my age I knew a dongle would be about as much help as Viagra!). I have now connected our Villa to "proper broadband" which means I have been able to connect to my home computer and reset passwords etc.
Sorry about messing up your system but do try and use my knowledge to help others, but like Viagra the enthusiasm gets in the way of proper working.
My wife only allows me to use it now to stop me falling out of bed!
Kind regards,
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