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In garage Airchambers

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 14-11-18, 05:21 PM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468
Default In garage Airchambers

I was wondering if anyone has used an Airflow Airchamber or a Harrington Cair O Port and could give me some feed back as I am considering getting some for a building that suffer some roof condensation from the steel roof.
I was hoping to have had the underside of the roof insulated but my Builder has let me down with little prospect now of getting the job done this side of Christmas. I have had to discount the Carcoon Veloce as it is not tall enough for two of the cars, the Airchamber length wise will be a tight fit in the building and the Cair O Port is a bit shorter but I notice with that you have to drive over the bottom rail of the front frame to get in and out, will it distort over time and cause any issues.
Any advice will be much appreciated.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 15-11-18, 07:09 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 3

I have had a Cair O Port for over 10 years now to store my 400 over winter. Have had no major issues. I found the frame a bit flimsy so added 4 suspension cords on to the frame and attached them to the roof rafters. The zips are all still working well. There are side panels accessed with zips.The front panel has two vertical zips and the horizontal bottom closes with a velcro strip. This can be a bit fiddly to seal but just takes a little time. Velcro tape is used otherwise a car would be driven over part of a zip. 3 ventilation computer fans are supplied which fit in the base of the rear panel. These fans come with a cloth filter which attaches on the outside however I found it necessary to remove these as the airflow pulls the filter into the fan and prematurely wears out the fan. It works fine without the cloth filters. The front rail has so far survived being driven over and doesn't seem to cause any problem. The rear driven wheels do move this bar however a small shallow wooden ramp secured each side of the rail would probably cure this if it proves a problem.

I have been really pleased with my Cair O Port, my car hasn't suffered at all in more than 10 years in a very damp part of UK. The only replacement I have made has been the fans.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 19-11-18, 05:39 PM
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: West Wales.
Posts: 468

Thanks for advice advice it sounds as though these would do the job well the other advantage is being slightly shorter than the airchamber they will be easier to fit in the available space. I have now found someone to do the roof which will cut out that condensation problem but I have decided that one form of airchamber really is still needed to combat the damp in the air.
I had some of Hamiltons outside covers some years back and they lasted quite well considering the cats thought the one covering the 401 was good for exercising the claws.
The other advantage I can see for the Cair O Port is the size I will be going for is slightly wider so will be easier to get the cars in and out,
Thanks again,
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