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Bristol News & Other Bristol Discussion About the company, clubs, car owners, and Bristol discussion not specific to the 6,8 or 10 cyl cars.

I am new and a bit confused about owners clubs/forums.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-20, 12:06 PM
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Florida / Nova Scotia
Posts: 265
Default I am new and a bit confused about owners clubs/forums.

I am the new custodian of 408-7023 here in Florida. I hope I am not causing any upset but wonder if somebody could help me understand the owners' clubs, please?

There seem to be 3 main Bristol forums (fora?) with helpful information and participants. I am a bit surprised since there's such a small owner population, why so many? This forum, BODA forum and BOC forum. There's also one in Australia. Are there others? Anyway, should I be joining them all?

Any insights into their relative purposes or cultures would be appreciated and, again, I hope I haven't caused any aggravation by asking.

David Womby
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-20, 03:45 PM
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Redditch, Worcester, England
Posts: 57

Hi, without going into the politics and differences, in the UK there are two clubs with slightly different aims and objectives but both are avid supporters of the cars. Basically, I feel they are perhaps in an unwritten competition, although they would probably disagree,

I am a member of both clubs. They each have their own websites and thus forums on each. This forum had, I think, at one time a moderator of one of the clubs but not perhaps in an official capacity and may well still be involved.

Australia, basically being the other side of the World, they have their own club for enthusiasts. Other makes of cars in the UK sometimes have two clubs for each.

I have had Bristol Cars 401 to 405 and back to 401 since 1968 but sadly, now my wife and I have moved to Spain. I will reluctantly sell my 401 and a host of spares and because of the weather will buy a convertible something from about the 1960's.

Sad but things move on. I hope the above clears up some points for you?

Bob W
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-12-20, 08:25 PM
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Florida / Nova Scotia
Posts: 265

Originally Posted by Bobbyweaf View Post

I have had Bristol Cars 401 to 405 and back to 401 since 1968 but sadly, now my wife and I have moved to Spain. I will reluctantly sell my 401 and a host of spares and because of the weather will buy a convertible something from about the 1960's.

Sad but things move on. I hope the above clears up some points for you?

Bob W
Bob, thanks for the helpful reply. I am sure you will enjoy Spain and I hope you can find a suitable 60s convertible to give you driving pleasure. How about a Peugeot 404 Cabriolet?

Best wishes and thanks again.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-20, 01:32 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,170

I created and host this forum site. It evolved from a mail list called BEEF (Bristol Enthusiasts Email Forum) which was a break-away from an email list operated by the BOC. I won't go into the reasons why.

To my knowledge this is the only Bristol forum which is independent of a 'club', which means people don't have to pay to join a club to participate or access information on this site.

While owners 'clubs' have their place for organising social events etc, their practice of keeping information to themselves and restricting access to financial members of their club is not in the best interests of preservation of the cars.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-20, 12:53 PM
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Florida / Nova Scotia
Posts: 265

Thanks for explaining that, Kevin.

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