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Bristol 408 (7025) being restored in Sweden
Restoration of 408 restarted after some delay, about ten years. Now prepairing car for panel beater. Most of the mechanics already done. For more information visit my blog:
IMG 2664
Two anchoring points at rear and one at front, on the input shaft.
Wooden cradle made it easy to install.
Rear axle in Place.
Coming home to new garage with both heating ang running water.
Looking like a car again
English Wheel
IMG 0035 1
IMG 0001
Bristols & friends
As little as possible.
IMG 0005
IMG 0001
Leaving the old garage.
On the move.
The Panel beater
Weld between roof and rear part of body
Solid filling (cast) at slope of boot frame
Front without bonnet frame
IMG 0680
Front crosss member and suspension

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