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400 undergoing complete restoration in Australia
This 400 (car number 200) originally sent to O and S Sportscar Restoration in Sydney. After 12 months and a small fortune, it became clear that it was beyond their knowledge and capabilities so I have handed the restoration over to Sebastian Gross who has restored 4 Bristols apart from other marques.
He is doing a thorough job to the peculiar requirements of a Bristol. The latest photos show the car finished and running in BOCA rallies. It won best recent restoration at the Bristols to Noosa rally in May this year 2019
lever arm shock absorber reassembly
rear bumper, infill panel fitted and boot lid now completed and fitted
front end bolted on to chassis
boot lid completed, trying the spare with new tire out for fit
radiator re-cored and all seams rewelded
final fitting of the bonnet, gaps are spot on
Bert the aluminium panel wizard working on the Bristol Bootlid
Bristol Engine completed and painted with high temp engine enamel
Bristol Boot lid inside finished - The boot lid was probably the most time consuming piece on the whole car. the outside skin had to be remade, the...
Bristol Bootlid exterior finished panels fully welded and riveted
Bristol Rear shock mount to take telescopic shocks
Bristol 400 full primer coat, at last the body work is finished.
A painstaking task to remove every blemish, smooth every ripple, repair every...
The engine finally assembled, new later model (lobe type) oil pump fitted. All tolerances on bearings, cylinders, camshaft etc to new engine...
The inside front body panels on the early cars are very lightly built. Here we have made  strengthening panels welded and riveted into place. We have...
The steel body sections are attached to the timber frame with hundreds of small nails. Over time these corrode and become loose. We are replacing...
Safely set up on stands at Sebastian Gross's workshop
Back on the trailer and on its way to Sebastian's workshop after languishing at O and S
Eddy the panel man who works for Sebastian, doing good work on the body after 12 months in O and S's hands. The task was beyond them.
Cylinder head after cleaning and machining. Extra aluminium ground out in way of valves, water jacket holes drilled out
Sebastian with newly torqued down head. New pistons and rings fitted.New head studs, new o/s valves and guides reamed to fit. Solid copper gasket....
The car has been moved from O and S in Sydney (not happy with them or their work) and moved to mid-north coast NSW to Sebastian Gross, who has...
New laminated wheel arch frame
engine disassembled. Modifications will include bigger valves and competition springs, high compression pistons, camshaft grind to increase overlap,...
boot lid stripped for repair- inner and outer skins had to be separated to replace outer skin. Inner was dented and rusty but salvageable. Hinges...
rear hub and axle restored

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