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400 undergoing complete restoration in Australia
This 400 (car number 200) originally sent to O and S Sportscar Restoration in Sydney. After 12 months and a small fortune, it became clear that it was beyond their knowledge and capabilities so I have handed the restoration over to Sebastian Gross who has restored 4 Bristols apart from other marques.
He is doing a thorough job to the peculiar requirements of a Bristol. The latest photos show the car finished and running in BOCA rallies. It won best recent restoration at the Bristols to Noosa rally in May this year 2019
new aluminium boot lid cover
Dec 18 new boot bottom panel which had rusted away was remade and welded into position
Dec 18 rotted boot panel, all the timber frame and wheel arch frames had to be remade.
Inner wheel arch repair
half shaft rebuilt for new bearings
lever arm shock disassembly
New wheel arch insert Nov.
New rear wheel arch (left) with old rusted one removed
SU carbies - setting up the linkages
front end removed
Rusted boot floor removed to fabricate new one, the boot bottom panel and timber frame had also rotted away.
The Bristol where it has sat for 35 years, now for restoration.
interior woodwork in good condition
after bead blasting the entire body, epoxy priming
stripped down body epoxy primed
the disassembly commences
continuing disassembly
on it's way to Sydney at the transport depot
engine out
removing the engine

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