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Picture 37 of 70 from Album 400 undergoing complete restoration in Australia
Bristol 400 full primer coat, at last the body work is finished.
A painstaking task to remove every blemish, smooth every ripple, repair every imperfection. The first primer coat has been blocked back and the second coat will now sit for three months to allow for shrinkage. When it goes for painting these coats will be rubbed back and more primer applied.
Bristol 400 full primer coat, at last the body work is finished.
A painstaking task to remove every blemish, smooth every ripple, repair every imperfection. The first primer coat has been blocked back and the second coat will now sit for three months to allow for shrinkage. When it goes for painting these coats will be rubbed back and more primer applied.
Picture Added 16-02-16 10:33 AM

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