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Picture 10 of 15 from Album Bristols seen, Owners met - 13-16 October 08
At the Wise Man, W. Stafford, nr Dorchester - a gathering of 6 owners w/cars [l to r, David Bensley, 412S1; John and Mary Stokes, '48 400; Bob Standbridge, 411S3; Stewart White, 406, not in photo; a former 603 owner, Simon Collison; and an owner/wife, Ric & Ann Bull, who came w/o their 400.]
Kaye Browning folding her map in the foreground.
At the Wise Man, W. Stafford, nr Dorchester - a gathering of 6 owners w/cars [l to r, David Bensley, 412S1; John and Mary Stokes, '48 400; Bob Standbridge, 411S3; Stewart White, 406, not in photo; a former 603 owner, Simon Collison; and an owner/wife, Ric & Ann Bull, who came w/o their 400.]
Kaye Browning folding her map in the foreground.
Picture Added 02-11-08 02:50 PM

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