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Picture 4 of 15 from Album Bristols seen, Owners met - 13-16 October 08
My new 603S2 number plate

2009's Christmas Outfit for Kentucky Red. Our state (Kentucky is actually a commonwealth, as are Virginia, Maryland, and Massachusetts) has some 30+ optional number plates, including plates for all the armed services, many colleges and universities, and other organizations. The added fee for such a plate is about 14 GBS
My new 603S2 number plate

2009's Christmas Outfit for Kentucky Red. Our state (Kentucky is actually a commonwealth, as are Virginia, Maryland, and Massachusetts) has some 30+ optional number plates, including plates for all the armed services, many colleges and universities, and other organizations. The added fee for such a plate is about 14 GBS
Picture Added 17-12-09 03:17 PM

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