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Bristols seen, Owners met - 13-16 October 08
During our shakedown trip following the pickup of Kentucky Red at the factory, we were fortunate to meet a number of Bristol owners/former owners, most of whom had their cars with them. Herewith an album.
Also showing a photo of Red at its new home in KY, USA. The '08 603-S2 number plate was the original Kentucky plate; the '09 603S2 plate is the second, denoting my US Army Service during the Korean War, that I intend to keep as long as I can, pending changes in how KY issues plates. Red still wears its UK plate - FRK 927 T - on the front end, as KY issues only rear plates. This is true of several states in the USA.
New factory-installed interior, w/ darker armrests and sun visors - #3
New factory-installed interior, w/ darker armrests and sun visors - #2
New factory-installed interior, w/ darker armrests and sun visors - #1
My new 603S2 number plate

2009's Christmas Outfit for Kentucky Red. Our state (Kentucky is actually a commonwealth, as are Virginia, Maryland, and...
Night photo, taken at Fleece Inn, Bretforton, 13 Oct 09, after our gathering supper. 

(Sam Frost night photo, 30 sec. exposure.)
The new Kentucky number plate - complete vehicle ID.
Kentucky Red at its home in KY, USA
KY Red at Great Chalfield Manor, near Holt, with her lucky owner.
Another lovely view of KY Red at Gt. Chalfield Manor.
At the Wise Man, W. Stafford, nr Dorchester - a gathering of 6 owners w/cars [l to r, David Bensley, 412S1; John and Mary Stokes, '48 400; Bob...
Stewart White's 406 at The Wise Man.
At The Wise Man, l-r, the Standbridge 411S3, the Stokes' 400, the Bensley '77 412S1, the White 406, and in front, the Browning '79 603 S2, KY Red.
At the Wheatsheaf Inn, Combe Hay. KY Red, David Williams-Young with his red 411S5 (note the difference in the rear windshield), and Clive Best with...
In Burton-On-The-Water, Red drew numerous admiring glances.
In Bretforton, with R. V. Charlton, who came to talk Bristols, taken at The Fleece Inn, a National Trust property, the original portion of which was...

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