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Picture 8 of 13 from Album Bristols at miscellaneous locations
Picture Added 22-08-08 11:54 AM

Showing Picture Comments 1 to 3 of 3
  1. mrbennetts
    26-10-08 10:36 AM - permalink
    Sorry Kevin......I have only just noticed the "Imposter" caption, which I cannot let pass ! You know, of course, that this car is the Alfa 6C. What a wonderful car on which to base the 401. I would love to see them together; this Alfa-Romeo looks huge compared to the Bristol......... which is the "imposter" !
  2. Kevin H
    30-10-08 10:04 AM - permalink
    Kevin H
    I wondered when someone would spot this. The "imposter" tag is a joke on my part. As you probably know, number of very similar designs came from Touring around this time, such as the Alfa 6c and a Fiat 1500. They had also done a very similar Alfa 8c several years earlier. I think the design Touring did for Bristol was about the worst of the lot,, which is why Bristol didn't go with it but copied aspects of the design for the Alfa 6c shown above, along with the Supeleggera structure.
  3. Tim Ferrington
    30-04-21 04:38 PM - permalink
    Tim Ferrington
    I have a real Touring bodied Bristol 401, it's identical to Alfa, if fact when my car was restored they found that the only area of difference was the different grills......

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