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Picture 13 of 13 from Album Blenheim 4
Narrower Roof; increased tumblehome to side windows; Narrower rear end of cabin.
Narrower Roof; increased tumblehome to side windows; Narrower rear end of cabin.
Picture Added 26-04-09 05:04 PM

Showing Picture Comments 1 to 3 of 3
  1. DutchBristolfan
    27-09-09 11:11 AM - permalink
    All in all a "happier" design than the S3 Blenheim. It looks a lot smoother now, more a coherent design. Not so sure about the steering wheel though: it looks to small for a Bristol.
  2. Andrew Carson
    25-07-10 06:47 PM - permalink
    Andrew Carson
    Is the Blenheim 4 currently in production.
  3. Apae
    17-03-11 10:03 AM - permalink
    This angle doesn't do the car justice, I think. It reminds me of a late Wolga, but seen from the side it isn't that boxy.
    The site still shows the 3 as current model, but this one looks like a big improvement!

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