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Picture 6 of 13 from Album Blenheim 4
Black PVC dash now replaced with colour matched leather. Air Con now integrated.
Black PVC dash now replaced with colour matched leather. Air Con now integrated.
Picture Added 26-04-09 05:17 PM

Showing Picture Comments 1 to 2 of 2
  1. browning l
    26-04-09 05:39 PM - permalink
    browning l
    That's how my 603 was re-done...but in a complimentary darker leather also used on the steering wheel. Where I messed up was in not having put the same darker leather on 1. the armrest/door grabs; 2. the sun visors; 3. and the center between the seats, thus protecting the light tan leather from showing soil.
  2. GREG
    18-06-10 09:40 AM - permalink
    Richard does not soil his cars :-)

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