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Other Bristol engined cars Arnolt, AC, Frazer Nash, Cooper, Lister, Lotus, Tojeiro

How Wacky Got His Name

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Old 22-04-15, 09:34 PM
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Posts: 109
Smile How Wacky Got His Name

There are a few things I have been meaning to post. This is one of them. While doing research on the history of ABs I came across this interesting item:

Arnolt Corporation was founded in 1932 by Stanley H. Arnolt II (1907-1963) in Chicago with three employees, manufacturing automobile lubricating devices. During that time Arnolt developed an inboard marine engine called the Sea-Mite, which was one-third lighter than other engines of equal horsepower. On the thick foggy morning of September 26, 1938, with one of his engines affixed to a 13-foot boat, Arnolt left St. Joseph, Michigan and headed for Chicago.

Fighting waves and fog, he made the trip in four hours. Boatmen along Navy Pier shook their heads in disbelief, stating that he had more nerve than they did. He was greeted through the still thick morning fog with, "Hallo there, Wacky!". The headline of an article that day in The Chicago Daily News read, "Wacky Comes Through in Fog; Crosses Lake in 13-Foot Boat"…and the nickname stuck. Thereafter, he was known as "Wacky" Arnolt.

It is from this site:

So now we know the rest of the rest of the story.
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