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Other Bristol engined cars Arnolt, AC, Frazer Nash, Cooper, Lister, Lotus, Tojeiro

Frazer Nash Le Mans Replica "replica"

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Old 14-09-08, 02:01 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Burbank, California
Posts: 135
Default Frazer Nash Le Mans Replica "replica"

Hi all -

I have a web page on these "replicas", likely the only current source of information:

I think it's a good idea to keep track of these to prevent misinformation. For example, one replica is on YouTube, in the Chicago area, and seems to be represented as a "real" Frazer Nash.

Anyway, I recently received an email with the following:

"...I now have WOK 7 for sale on my site. This is the car I sold about 10 years ago, but it has been completely taken apart and put back together properly by John Baker, the current owner.

It now has an FNS engine, based on a brand new (well, unused old stock actually) Bristol 85 block with a proper FNS head and accessories, and a "high torque" camshaft from Roddy Macpherson. Engine rebuild by Tony Byford, well known in UK Bristol racing circles. Aim was to make a good, tractable road car, and not an out and out racer.

The car comes complete with windscreen frame and windscreen pillars - not chromed.

The chassis has been changed from its lurid yellow colour to a more suitable black, and the whole car has been looked at critically from the view of making it (look) as authentic as possible.

Very, very nice car.

Best regards,

Andrew Blow
Andrew Blow Brokerage, Marlborough UK
Tel: +44(0) 1672 539689"

The car does look quite good. The price seems to be about the same as asking prices over the last 2-3 years. Expensive, but a fraction of the prices of the genuine FNs.
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