29-08-10, 07:59 PM
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Monte-Estoril, Lisbon, PORTUGAL
Posts: 17
Jaguar parts supplyer
Originally Posted by James Lawrie
Does anyone have any suggestions regarding a good and reliable Jaguar garage, preferably in North London? My brother-in-law is having problems.
yours ever,
Dear James,
My suggestion is for you to join the Jaguar Drivers' Club or so, and see what they advise you.
Probably david Manners, or so could be a good one, i really don't Know.
I myself have joined the BOC in order to find a good car to buy, and i did so. All parts supplyer are better advised by clubmembers, who are experienced. There are also other lists of supplyers, on classic cars magazines.
Internet couild be good, but you have no references. Anyone can put an advert on internet.
Yours for longer engine roars,
Rocket Roller
(Joseph: from Portugal)