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Fixing web site

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Old 24-07-10, 08:00 AM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 154
Default Fixing web site


I've had a look at your source code (posted below) and then ran it through Markup Validation Service, see [Invalid] Markup Validation of - W3C Markup Validator which identified 36 errors and 8 warnings in the code. If you scroll to the bottom of that page, you will see an automated source code clean up, which you can compare to your source code to probably spot the problems, even if you have never looked at html before.

The problem is that while Chrome is only #3 in the browser rankings, coding errors may be showing up in different versions of #2 and #1 browsers, with the result that people come to your site and do not understand it since the key buttons are missing.

If there are any programmers on this forum, perhaps you can suggest the fix to Bob.



Bristol Owners & Drivers Association Ltd.

<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="Bristol Owners, Bristol Car Club, Bristol Cars, Bristol 401, Bristol 402, Bristol 403, Bristol 404, Bristol 405, Bristol 406, Bristol 407, Bristol 408, Bristol 409, Bristol 410, Bristol 411, Bristol 412, Bristol Beaufighter, Bristol Beaufort, Bristol 603, Bristol Britannia, Bristol Brigand, Bristol Blenheim, Bristol Blenhiem 2, Bristol Blenheim 3, Bristol Blenheim Speedster, Bristol Fighter">


<META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="Notepad">




<body background="beige014.jpg">

<center><image src="boda button 3.bmp" align="center" border="0"><BR clear="all"><br></center>


<tr><th><image src="400 red copy.jpg" height="100"><th><image src="401 red copy.jpg" height="100"></tr></th>
<th><image src="411 silver copy.jpg" height="100"><th><image src="fighter copy.jpg" height="100"><tr></tr></th>


<center> <a href="council.html"><image src="council members.bmp" border="0"></a>

<a href="membership form.pdf"><image src="membership form.bmp" border="0"></a>

<a href="articles.html"><image src="articles of association.bmp" border="0"></a><br>

<a href="events.html"><image src="events.bmp" border="0"></a>

<a href=""><image src="bristol cars company.bmp" border="0"></a>

<a href="history temporary frontis.html"><image src="bristol cars history.bmp" border="0"></a><br>

<a href="Members Area/members area.html"><image src="members area.bmp" border="0"></a>
<a href=""><image src="boda open forum.bmp" border="0"></a>
<a href="links.html"><image src="other links.bmp" border="0"></a><p>

<a href="Menus To View/2 litre bristol 400 - 406 view.html"><image src="2 litre sample menu.bmp" border="0"></a>

<a href="Menus To View/chrysler bristol 407 onwards 2 view.html"><image src="407 onwards sample menu.bmp" border="0"></a><br>

<BR clear="all"></center>

<image src="logo final flat colour.jpg" height="100" target="top" align="left">

<h3>This is the DRAFT opening website of the Bristol Owners & Drivers Association (BODA), with the website under continuous development.
The Association is aimed at the owners and enthusiasts of Bristol and Bristol engined cars. We will be providing and organising the full range
of club services, including Technical Assistance, Spares Information, a Magazine/Newsletter, various functions/meetings and of course an annual
Concours. However, we are putting a special emphasis on assisting those restoring a bristol or those who like to do some or all of their own
repairs and also those who just do their own "tinkering" maintenance. It is hoped that all the spares and technical assistance we can give you
now and in the future will help to save part or all of your annual membership fee. There is a members forum contained in the members area.


To ensure the smoothest and most efficient start to what is a big undertaking, the Association will be initially organised by a "Steering Committee"
who will act as the Association's Council and set the club rules, constitution/Articles of Association and its general organisation. This will be
the basis until mid 2012, when an inaugural Annual General Meeting will then be held. At this point the Steering Committee will be dissolved
automatically and the officials/officers and all other details will be presented to and voted on by the club members.<p>

To start with, the club has an extensive spares information section of original part numbers and data to help locate spares for your car. It will
also include ongoing spares updates and information as and when we obtain it. This of course is a two-way exchange and we would especially welcome
any additional information you can supply and share with other members. As well as spares information and sources, this includes good scanned copies of
the many articles and write ups about Bristol Cars.

Access to the members area of this website is password restricted to BODA members, who have full and free access during their membership
period. Two sample menus have been listed above to give you an idea of what we offer in our spares menus.<p>

<image src="fbhvc logo small.jpg" height="100" target="top" align="left">
A Member of the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs. The "Bristol Owners & Drivers Association Ltd." is a company limited by Guarantee
of £1 per member. Registered Office: 21, Navigation Business Village, Navigation Way, Ashton on Ribble, Preston PR2 2YP. Reg. No. 07270546.
Data Protection Registration Z2297300<p></h3>

<div align="center"><a href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a><br />
<span style="font-family:arial; font-size:10px;"><a href="">intervention</a></span></div>


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