23-04-14, 06:59 AM
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: South Lyon, Michigan & Palo Alto California
Posts: 9
Fixing the steering contacts for horn operation?
Well, just getting into fixing the little things on my "new" '64 408 - pulled off horn button, and it came off with wire dangling from it, and no diagram anywhere showing what it connects to down the steering tube. I see one spring brass contact on the left side of the column tube just behind the dash wall, but it looks broken off compared to the parts book picture of a couple of what look like spring contacts. Does anyone have good photos of what the contact parts look like both off and on the column? Also, does the horn button ground the wire hanging off its backside, and does the wire pass thru a hole in the column tube, or is it fastened to a contact mounted in the center of the tube? I can't see much down the column tube, and only the left side window in the shaft support tube, but don't know if it's broken off or what - Any photos, explanations of how it works would be appreciated - too many crazy drivers around San Francisco to go out without a horn! Thanks!