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Blocks and Heads

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Old 31-08-08, 02:37 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Burbank, California
Posts: 135
Default Blocks and Heads

Hi all -

When I needed a crankshaft for my FN, I was very lucky to find the last of a group made for vintage racing, machined from a billet, by a shop in Los Angeles. The cost was 50% of the quoted price from the UK.

I wonder what block/head quantities are needed to get quotes from other sources (China?) and what specs are not proprietary?

I only mention this because of an Imperial forum topic about various Mopar parts coming from China. Here's an email from a guy I know fairly well:

"Re: AC parts for 66 LeBaron-AC Parts made in China
Sat Aug 30, 2008 12:56 pm (PDT)

Regarding China-made parts. Like anything else in life, there is variation. There are poor quality China made products and there are fine quality China made products-just like in the USA!

I have done business in China for over 25 years. When I say "in China" I mean just that-I have traveled to China literally dozens of times. Here's what I can tell you from first hand observation .

It might surprise some of you to know that most of the trusted electronics brands we gladly and quickly purchase with every expectation of quality-are made in China! I have seen Panasonic's factories, Sony's factories and, because I worked directly for them for 7 years, Seiko's factories. I am here to tell you that manufacturing standards in China can be as rigorous as those you will find here, in Germany, in Japan or anywhere else you might have respect for. In many cases, the factories are run to Japanese quality standards-by Japanese supervisors. This is not the China you may be thinking of from newsreels or propaganda pamphlets of yesteryear.

Cities in China are, for the most part, as modern, new, efficient and comfortable as any major US city.Some, more so. I know, I have been there. You will see BMW's, Mercedes, Volvo's, Audi's, Volkswagens, Buicks and Cadillacs running through the streets, driven by people wearing Armani suits and sporting Rolex watches. In short-these people are just as smart as we are, just as competitive as we are and live in an economic society that is surprisingly similar to our own.

So, if a major retailer (or distributor) sells products sourced in China chances are they will meet or exceed your qualty expectations."
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